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Hardheaded and stubborn can mean the same thing. They are synonyms. Hardheaded can also mean realistic and pragmatic, but usually it means stubborn. If someone is stubborn they could be called hardheaded and vis-versa

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Q: What is the difference between hardheaded and stubborn?
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The first one (you are stubborn) is an opinion statement. The second one is a factual statement.

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Stubbornness is being unwilling to change one's mind or course of action, often out of pride or resistance to influence. Determination, on the other hand, is a strong resolve or relentless pursuit of a goal despite obstacles or challenges. Determination involves a sense of purpose and motivation, while stubbornness may reflect rigidity or resistance to change.

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I'd suggest the distinct difference is one's tolerance to others' opinions arguments, and attitudes insofar one can easily express tolerance of others and be stubborn yet being a tolerant bigot is an oxymoron.

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It means that you're stubborn or hardheaded. it means your a dweeb who should be taken to the institute and never seen again!

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narg weted the bed

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Why are men so hardheaded?

This question, which could have been posted by a woman (who may, herself, be hardheaded), assumes that all men are hardheaded, which is not the case. Hardheadedness is a human trait. It might be argued that it is more common in males, but they are not uniformly so affected. Additionally, hardheadedness is not exclusive to men.

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The Jordanian army is stubborn but always well prepared, as for the mesopotomian army, it always struck into battle without training.

How do you say don't be so hardheaded in spanish?

No seas tan terco/a.

What is the comparative of stubborn?

The noun form of the adjective 'stubborn' is stubbornness.