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a rift valleyis a dip in the ocean floor a mid ocean ridge is a mountain chain formed on the ocean floor . Rift valley - divergent boundary MidOcean Ridge Convergent Boundary

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Q: What is the difference between a rift valley and a mid ocean ridge and what kinds of boundaries do they form at?
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What are the 3 basic kinds of plate boundaries?

Divergent, Convergent, and Transform

What kinds of magmas forms at divergent boundaries?

Usually a dense basaltic magma with low water content.

Which landforms are formed by brahmaputra?

many kinds of landformes are formed such as valley, plains etc......

What are two kinds of glaciers and how are they different?

The two different glaciers are valley and continental glaciers and they are different because continental glaciers are the largest, and valley glaciers are on the top of mountain peaks.

What is observed in animal cells but not in plant cells?

Plant cells have a chloroplasts and also have a cell wall while animal cells do not. That is the only difference between the two kinds of cells.

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