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That is called inherited trates!

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Q: What is passing of genes from on generation to the other?
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How successful an individual is at passing it genes on to the next generation is known as?


Who transfer the biological informantion genes or gamets?

The genes transfer the biological information. If you mean passing genes on to the next generation, it would be the genes in the gametes.

What is the success of an organism in passing on its genes to the next generation called?


Why do animals compete against each other?

Animals compete because they need to ensure their genes are passed on to the next generation. The animals with the best genes/adaptions are more likely to survive and successfully mate therefore passing their genes on. The process of which the strongest (or just best suited to the environment) genes survive on to the next generation is called natural selection.

What is the process of passing genes from one genaration to another?

The DNA pass on genes from one generation to the other through chromosomes of the male and female gametes during sexual reproduction and through its nucleus of somatic cells in vegetative reproduction.

What is the passing of traits from one generation to another?

There are many things that happen with the passing of traits from one generation to another. It is known as giving a hereditary trait.

What is the passing of traits from one generation from another?

Known as 'hereditary' conditions capable of being transmitted from parent to offspring through the genes

How are hereditary diseases are passed from generation to another?

They are caused by abnormal genes and so are passed from one generation to the other on the DNA.

How are hereditary diseases are passed from one generation to another?

They are caused by abnormal genes and so are passed from one generation to the other on the DNA.

Why is it important for DNA to carry genes from generation to generation?


Are genes transformed from generation to generation through DNA?


What transmits inherited information from generation to generation?
