Not just any ramen, miso ramen, usually with extra chashu (pork). Somtimes he even gets ramen with everything on it.
The blood of 1000 innocent souls.
== Ella Fitzgerald favorite food was Pizza (== ==
He does not have a middle name.
her favorite food was pancakes, waffles, or any breakfast food.
Laura Mariano favorite food is Pizza and Chinese pikled
The blood of 1000 innocent souls.
what obama's favorite food? what obama's favorite food? what obama's favorite food? what obama's favorite food?
Her favorite color is green, and her favorite TYPE of food is West Indian food and Thai food.
Warios favorite food is garlic.
Harry's favorite food is tacos
her favorite food is meat because it is a raptors favorite food.
Zendaya's Favorite food is spaghetti!i believe her favorite food is spaghetti or mexican food
His Favorite Food Is Spaghetti
There is no "favorite" food in the U.S.
he does not have a favorite food