

What is boiling pitch?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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13y ago

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Pitch could be a substance like tar derived from petroleum, but during the Middle Ages, it was more likely to be a resin from plants or a creosote tar from the process of making charcoal. It was boiled to make it very hot and fluid, so it could be poured from castle walls on people below, especially men operating a battering ram. It would burn whoever it hit, and could not be wiped off easily, but the worst of the thing was that it would ignite easily, so the men could be set on fire.

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I am not sure but may be it is because none of the substances have a fixed boiling point. The substance starts changing its state from liquid to gas before the mentioned boiling point . For example Boiling point of H2O is 100.but it change it changes its state before it.Therefore there are boiling range not boiling point.