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Tabasco sauce

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Q: What is a good statement for what type of juice cleans penny best?
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What type of juice cleans a penny best?

lemon juice.(:

What ingredint in grape juice cleans the penny best?

vitamin c.

What is themanipulated variable of what kind of juice cleans pennies best?

well add juice to the penny

What cleans a penny best apple orange or grape juice?

apple dose

What is a good hypothesis for What type of juice cleans a penny the best?

If I test 5 different juices, which one will clean a penny the best

What kitchen cleaning product cleans a penny best?

Something with a mild acid in it. Try salt and lemon juice.

What juice cleans copper pennies best?

lemon juice

Which juice cleans pennies best orange juice or grapefruit?

orange works better because it has more citric acids than apple juice does, all the apple juice will do is make the penny stickier.

What kind of juice cleans pennies best and why?

lemon juice, because it has antioxidense!>*^#$

What kind of title can be use for what kind of drink cleans a penny best?

penny bath

What cleans a penny the best acids or bases?

Acids are better

What cleans pennies best water lemon juice or dish soap?

lemon juice