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A bacterial culture containing a single species of organism is referred to as pure or axenic.

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Q: What is a bacterial culture containing a single species of organisms referred to as?
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What is a pure culture?

The culture which contain an organism (bacterial colony) which you are required to grow in a broth media that is a media lacking solidifying agent agar. A pure culture should not contain other bacterial or fungal cells in it except the required or cultured one

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It's a bacterial culture.

How do the pure broth culture differ?

Pure broth culture is a liquid media, used to propagate large numbers of microorganisms. Where as Slant cultures are semi solid media containing a solidifying agent (usually agar). Can be used in determining bacterial motility and in promoting anaerobic growth.

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Yes it is. The bacterial culture is the same.

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What type of culture medium would increase the size of a bacterial capsule?

it depends on the bacterial capsule, some grows on glucose, some grow on carbondioxide and low iron(LIM culture).