

What is a 1 molar solution?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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14y ago

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Molar solution, commonly called molarity, is the amount of amount of substance in a certain volume. Typically it is measured in moles per litre. A 1 molar solution means there is one mole of substance per one litre. This can also be called a one mole concentration of solution.

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Try 1 molar sodium hydroxide NaOH solution and 1 molar hydrochloric acid solution HCl . Mix them together and you have a common salt solution NaCl in water. Not exactly sure what you wanted, but there you go.

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Micromolar solution: Suppose 300 is mol wt of compound then 300g in 1000 ml -- it becomes 1M 300,000 mg in 1000 ml ---it is also 1 Molar 1 mg=1000 microgram hence 300,000,000 microgram in 1000 ml ----it is 1 molar now 300,000 microgram in 1 ml ----it is 1 Molar 1 molar=1000 milimolar hence 300,000 microgram in 1 ml -----1000 milimolar 300,000 ----------------------------- 1000,000 micromolar 0.3 microgram --in 1 ml it is 1 micromolar simillarly convert the ml as you want