

What is TB Joshua 's email?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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11y ago

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You can contact TB Joshua on or

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#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<conio.h> void main() { char m[100]; int units[100],i,j,n; float x,tb; cout<<"enter the total number of bills to be calculate:\n"; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"\nenter the name \n:==>"; cin>>m; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"\nenter the total units consumed \n:==>"; cin>>units[i]; } } if(units[i]<=100) { x=units[i]*0.6; tb=50+x; if(tb>300) { tb=0.15*tb+tb; } cout<<"\ncalculated bill:==>"; cout<<m<<tb; } else if(units[i]>100 && units[i]<=300) { tb=100*0.6+(units[i]-100)*0.8+50; if(tb>300) { tb=0.15*tb+tb; } cout<<"\ncalculated bill:==>"; cout<<m<<tb; } else if(units[i]>300) { tb=100*0.6+200*0.8+(units[i]-300)*0.9+50; if(tb>300) { tb=0.15*tb+tb; } cout<<"\ncalculated bill:==>"; cout<<m<<tb; } getch(); }

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Email security refers to the collective measures taken to secure the access of the content of a given email service or account.

Can an email address contain a comma?

email address don't have any commas.....

How can you make an email link in html?

You can use the following for an email address, just change the italicized text:Click here to send me an emailThe email address is user@yourdomain.comThe text displayed is Click here to send me an emailOr this one, to specify a Subject Line:Click here to send me an emailThe email address is user@yourdomain.comThe subject is Email Subject Here (the "%20" indicates a space between words)The text displayed is Click here to send me an email

What is the correct HTML for creating an email link?

Using the <a> tag, as you would for a normal link: <a href="example.html">Example</a> What you wanna do to make a email link, is to tell the browser to start the default email program on the visitors computer. An example of an email link could be: <a href="">Email link</a> This, however, will not start websites such as hotmail up, but will, as explained, start up your default email client, which are considered annoying by most people. To make contact easier, i would consider using a form instead. However, this above mentioned method of email linking is the correct and easy way to do it.