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A urine pregnancy test detects hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin.

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Q: What hormone does a urine pregnancy test detect?
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Am I pregnant or sick?

Pregnancy and illness are easily differentiated by a urine pregnancy test. A urine pregnancy test will detect pregnancy hormone as soon as 10-12 days after conception.

What hormone is the basis of pregnancy tests?

every pregnancy test whether urine or blood, works by detecting the hcg hormone. If the levels are high enough it will detect it on the test

When to do the blood test for pregnancy?

Blood test are good for women who do not have enough hcg in their urine to detect on a home urine pregnancy test. A blood test can detect pregnancy before a hpt can. Hopes this help

What test would best detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin aka hCG?

A pregnancy test, either blood or urine detects the hormone hCG.

Is an early pregnancy test the same to just a pregnancy test?

It all depends on how much of the pregnancy hormone (HcG) the pregnancy test can detect. Some detect as low as 10 mg of the hormone, and some take up to 100 mg.

Is hormone test is required to confirm pregnancy?

A hormone pregnancy test, typically a urine test, is a common way to confirm pregnancy. There are other ways, as well, and a hormone test is not the only approach.

Can drinking an energy drink give you a false negative on a pregnancy test?

Caffeine itself will not alter the results of a pregnancy test. However, caffeine is a diuretic, which can dilute the urine. This may make it more difficult for a urine-dependent pregnancy test to detect the pregnancy hormones. For the most accurate results, perform a pregnancy test when you first urinate in the morning. Your urine will be most concentrated at that point in the day and the test will be more accurate.

Can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy if you got pregnant a week before your period?

A home pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone starting around 10 days after conception.

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What hormone do the home ovulation tests test for?

These tests detect an increase of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)in urine.

How many weeks does it take to know that your pregnant?

This will generally depend on the test that is used to detect a pregnancy. Blood tests are more accurate in that they can detect a pregnancy earlier. As soon as two weeks after a missed period, blood tests can detect levels of Hcg (the hormone pregnant females produce). Urine pregnancy tests generally do not detect a pregnancy before the 6th week because sometimes it takes that long for Hcg levels to rise to the point where a urine test will be sensitive enough to detect it.

Is it possible for a blood test meant to detect anemia before surgery to detect the pregnancy hormone is at all likely?

No, because they would have to test for pregnancy to detect it. They can use the same blood to test it though if you request it.