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the eyes

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Q: What heals faster the eyes or mouth?
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Related questions

What muscles heals the fastest?

The eyes and mouth

Which heals faster the tongue or the eye?

the tongue

Which structure heals faster bones or cartilages and why?

Bones heal faster because they have a better blood supply.

What part of the body heals quickest?

The skin heals the quickest as it has a high capacity for regeneration. Superficial wounds typically heal faster than injuries to internal organs or bones due to the skin's ability to rapidly repair and regenerate.

Which heals faster a broken ankle bone or a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle typically heals faster than a broken ankle. The recovery time for a broken ankle can be several weeks to months, while a sprained ankle usually improves within a few days to a couple of weeks with proper rest and treatment.

Is drawing eyes nose and mouth bad?

it is bad to draw eyes and mouth and nose

If you rip off tastebuds will they grow back?

maybe they will because your mouth heals the fastest out of you body

What is an Analogy for blindfold is to eyes as is to mouth?

gag is to mouth

Where is spider eyes and mouth?


Why wounds of face heals faster than wounds of feet?

There is more blood in the head than the feet.

What joints heal faster then others?

The Upper limb heals faster than the Lower limb, this is because there is more blood flow at the Upper, so basically where there is more blood the faster they heal.

What is the Analogy for blindfold is to eyes as is to mouth?

Muzzle. A blindfold covers the eyes to restrict vision, while a muzzle is used to cover the mouth to restrict speech or eating.