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Q: What has cells have cell walls that usually give the cells a rectangular shape?
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What cells have cell walls that usually give the cells a rectangular shape?


Do Animal cells have cell walls that usually give the cell a rectangular shape?


What do yeast cells have in common with plant cells?

Animal cells have no cell Walls and plant cells have a cell wall

What is the general shape of a plant cell?

Plant cells generally have a more rectangular shape because the cell wall is more rigid. In contrast, animal cells have a round or irregular shape because they do not have a cell wall.

How does the shape of the plant cell differ from that an animal cell?

Plant cells are rigid due to their cell wall and are usually square in shape.

What cellular features differentiate plants from animals?

Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts and are a square shape. Animal cells do not have cell walls, chloroplasts and are a circular shape.

What tool help you see a plant cell?

Plant cells have large vacuoles, cell walls and are usually rectangular prisms in diagrams. As opposed to animal cells which are spherical and have small vacuoles.

Why are plant cells square?

The cell walls around the cell membrane all link together with other cells. This creates a regular pattern and makes them link together more closely, compared to an animal cell which is mostly random.

Why plant cells have cell walls and animal cells do not?

To give a shape for it? I don't think i know.........

What primarily determines the shape of cells that lack cell walls?


Does all cell contains cell walls?

only plant cells contain a cell wall, which is made of cellulose. all other cells do not contain cell walls. animal cells do not have a definite shape and fungi cells have walls made from chitin

What makes plant cells rigid?

the cell walls box like shape