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Chicken and other foods can have germs all the way through them, not just on the surface. Heating till piping hot assures that the piece of chicken is heated all the way to the middle.

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14y ago

You most certainly can re-heat cooked chicken. It should be re-heated to 165°F and the recommendation is that food should be re-heated only once.

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Q: What happens if you don't reheat chicken until it's piping hot in a microwave?
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You can reheat fully cooked smoked chicken in the oven on a low temperature. You can also reheat this type of chicken in the microwave.

Can you reheat chicken in the microwave I made a chicken stew and would like to know if i can reheat same in the microwave?

Yes, you can do this. Heating using the microwave oven has become very easy these days. Modern microwaves now have settings for reheating foods right on the front.

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Because you are supposed to microwave or reheat it to their instructions, and this completes the cooking process.

Can you reheat chicken on the bone?

Yes, you can reheat it. I've done it before and it tastes good, nothing abnormal happens.

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In an 800 watt microwave oven, chicken should be reheated until it is 180 degrees in the center. This should take about 3 minutes. If the chicken is cooked but frozen it will take a bit longer.

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Absolutely you can reheat mashed potatoes. If you want you can put them in a saucepan with a little more milk and butter and heat them that way. Or if you want, you can reheat them in the microwave and get them piping hot. Mashed potatoes don't seem to freeze well, but they reheat very well indeed.

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Reheat in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. ☺

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Can you reheat chicken stew?

Yes, you can. You can reheat chicken stew in a crock-pot, in a sauce pan over medium-low heat, in the microwave, or in the oven in an oven-proof dish or pan.

How do you defroast cooked chicken?

with a busen burner. turn it up to full power and watch your chicken (and the house) explode.

is possible make grilled chicken and how much eletric power it consume?

You obviously can't grill a chicken in a microwave but you certainly can reheat it. This microwave consumes 1000 watts. You really have to make grilled chicken on a grill.A George Foreman grill works fine inside.Microwaves simply don't do that sort of cooking.

How do you reheat apple crisps?

You put it in the microwave and microwave it until you reachl the desired temperature.