

What does the mouth empty into?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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The esophagus.

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Q: What does the mouth empty into?
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Next to the second maxillary molar in the vestibule of the mouth. It also pierces the buccinator muscle before entering the mouth.

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Inside the mouth laterally or under the tongue.

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Mouth - Gulf of Ob into the Kara Sea

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The part of a river that empties into a large body of water is called a delta.

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The jug is a musical instrument. It is an empty jug played with the mouth.

Can dogs bark with their mouth closed?

yes, dogs do that all the time!! ,they also bark with a toy in their mouth or while eating or drinking, but not all dogs can do this....but the bark is not as loud as it would be if the dog did not have a empty or open mouth

Whatever you say ill repeat to you i have no mouth is that a clue in an empty room if you shout hello i might reply what am i?


Which digestive organ has peristaltic contractions that empty food into the stomach?

You are thinking of the esophagus, the food pipe that connects the mouth to the stomach.

Show by an activity that high speed winds by accompanied by reduced air pressure?

crumple a small piece of paper into a ball size smaller than the mouth of the empty bottle.hold the empty bottle on its side and place the paper ball just inside its try to blow on the ball to force it into the bottle.try the activity with battles of different sizes. when we blow into the mouth of the bottle,the air near the mouth has higher speed. this decreases the pressure there . the air pressure inside the bottle is higher than near the mouth.

How does a hamster store food?

it has 2 pouches on either side of its mouth and the hamster will store it in there and then find somewhere quiet and empty the pouches and eat the food.