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Comprehensive general liability insurance covers businesses against many liability exposures of a business. Comprehensive general liability insurance coverage includes completed operations, elevators, independent contractors, and more.

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Q: What does comprehensive general liability insurance cover?
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Does liability insurance cover hail damage?

No. That would come under comprehensive insurance.

What type of coverage do you offer for the comprehensive general liability insurance?

To purchase general comprehensive coverage on an auto insurance plan, is a completely different aspect when compared to general liability insurance. The first will cover a certain amount of the inured and fix-it bill, where the latter will only cover the party at fault in the case of an accident. If you would like both of these, you should purchase full coverage for a discounted price.

What type of insurance will cover a stolen vehicle?

Comprehensive insurance covers theft. Liability & Collision do not.

What is public liability insurance and how is it different from general liability insurance?

General liability covers Public and Producs Liability, therefore by having General Liability cover, public liability is covered also.

How is auto liability insurance different from comprehensive insurance?

Liability insurance only covers someone else in the case that you are responsible for damages caused in a collision. Comprehensive coverage will cover a driver that you hit, as well as cover yourself for any damages inflicted during a collision.

Does liability auto insurance cover your car if you hit a pole?

No. Liability insurance will only cover your liability for property damage/injuries to others. In this case, it would cover the damage to the pole you hit. Your liability coverage will never cover damage to anything you own. You would need collision/comprehensive coverage to cover damage to your car.

Will liability insurance cover damage to a person's vehicle caused by someone else?

NO, liability covers damage you do to someone else's property. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle by someone else. If you have no comprehensive, then you will need to look to their insurance for recovery of damages.

Does General contractor liability insurance cover default of payment to subcontractor?


What does general liability insurance cover?

The amount of coverage and the specifics of coverage will vary from policy to policy. In general liability insurance will cover damages to individuals or entities other than the insured individual. For example, in auto insurance liability insurance will provide for individuals injured in an accident excluding the policy holder.

What does general liability cover?

The amount of coverage and the specifics of coverage will vary from policy to policy. In general liability insurance will cover damages to individuals or entities other than the insured individual. For example, in auto insurance liability insurance will provide for individuals injured in an accident excluding the policy holder.

Will general liability insurance cover you if you get hurt?

No, General Liability would cover others for whom you are financially liable. It is not possible under construct of law to be liable to ones self.

Does liability insurance cover your car if you are at fault?

Your liability portion of your auto insurance pays for injury and damages for which you are liable to others. Your Comprehensive and Collision portion of your auto policy will cover your own vehicle. One can not be liable to ones self. If you have "liability only" coverage, then their is no coverage for your own vehicle if you were at fault.