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A red bandana in the left back pocket means the person is looking to "fist" as a top.

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Q: What does a red bandana in the left back pocket mean in the gay community?
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Why do crips wear their on the left?

The Crips gang wearing their bandana to the left dates back to the 60's, when the Crips were getting started. There was a Crip named Curtis Morrow aka Buddha who used to walk around wearing a blue bandana on the back side of his left pocket, he wore it for fashion. When Buddha died the Crips carried on the tradition and now that's why they wear blue bandanas to the left, in honor of Buddha.

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The Grape Street Watts Crips wear the colors purple & blue to the left side of their back pocket.

On what side do south siders wear their bandana?

left side

What does it mean when bloods have their bandana on their left side?

It means they are real wrong they are not really a blood if you're real right then you're real right. And you are supposed to know the rules and regulations and the history of how the bloods started and what started before and after the bloods.

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they wear the red flag to the right in the back pocket.

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In the back pocket on the left page. Between the blue and green book

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jeans usually come with 5 pockets; two in the back, two main ones in the front and a small inner pocket in the left front pocket.

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They wear their bandanas to the left side.

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put it in your LEFT pocket

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The Arrow of Light award is sewn centered and just under the left shirt pocket on the Boy Scout uniform.

Gay bandana meaning?

It depends on where you are. In San Francisco in the 1980's, a black bandanna in the right hip pocket indicated masochism; in the left pocket it indicated sadism. Grey in the right pocket signaled a desire to be tied; in the left pocket a desire to tie someone up. White indicated a beginner or someone who was into beginners. (It also sometimes meant "vanilla" or plain sex without accessories, dress-up, etc.) Red indicated heavy anal sex play. The left/right pattern was reversed in some other parts of the country. Ultimately dozens of colors became involved, but since a lot of gay bars had mostly red lighting it was pretty hard to see what the bandanna color actually was. So you still had to talk to a prospective partner.

Is Lil Wayne a True Blood?

Yes he is a fake because he has the tear tattoo on the left like a crip a blood would have it on the right like The Game. He also wears his red bandana on the left a blood would have it on the right side. Also when he first started rapping he always wore a blue bandana and now he says he is a blood just because he is wearing a red bandana. So yes he is a fake.