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tell the boy how u feel and say yes

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Q: What do you say when a boy asks you out and you want to say yes?
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What do you say if a boy asks you out and you want to say yes?

Uh... Say yes.

What should you do if a boy asks you out and it is against your standards and what if you like that boy and want to say yes?

just say yes too bad f u get in trouble

When a boy asks you if you want to go out with him and you say yes with him how would he react to that answer you gave him Would he say it with his friend or by himself when he asks you that question?

normally by himself..and he proboly will want you by ur self

What do you say to a boy who asks you out but you can't go out yet?

you say yes if you want to go out with him/her if you don't want to then just say no ok i do not know if you should just say yes? but i do not think so so a guy/girl asks you out... "hey do you want to go out?" and u say "yes!" and he says ....

What happens when a boy asks you can i bum you?

You say yes and enjoy it ;)

What do you say if a boy asks you out?

Say yes if you like him!!!!!!! If not, let him down nicely

If a girl asks to straighten your hair do you answer yes or no?

If you want your hair straightened then you say yes and if you don't say no, it's a simple as that. But if you are a boy and you like this girl you might want to say yes and even if you don't like it when it's done all you have to do is wash your hair.

What do you say if someone asks you out?

Say yes if you want to go. Say no if you don't.

What do you say when a boy asks you to go out with him?

You can say yes. Or you can say no. End of story. make sure you like him

What do i do if a boy asks me out and he is my best friends ex and i don't want to say yes but i don't want to say no. i just don't know what to do. can you please help me?

Just tell him how you feel then he might just say never mind then.

What if you like a boy and he asks you out what do you say?

You are supposed to say yes. if your shy say "I guess" or "sure" or something. SAy it in Spanish if you have to just say yes.

What do you say when a hot boy asks you out?

I have boys asking me out when i'm single and what i say to them is no! But if you have a crush on a guy and he asks you out but you parents don't like them then o! It all depends on who you are really cause if you don't want to break your parents heart then say no but if they like him and you have a cruch on him say yes! Its all on how you love your parents!!