When Marley's ghost visited Scrooge he warned him about the ghosts and his behaviour.
On the door knocker of the front door
He thought he was going crazy at first so he didn't believe in it at first.
He's scared at frst and doesn't belive that Marley's ghost is real. But then he starts to believe by some of the things that Marley says and does.
To warn Scrooge that unless he changes his ways and seeks to make amends to mankind for his previous miserly living then Scrooge was destined to walk the earth in eternal torment
Jacob Marley's ghost leaves Scrooge's bedroom at one o'clock in the morning.
The first ghost to appear to Scrooge is the Ghost of Christmas Past. This spirit takes Scrooge on a journey through his childhood and past Christmases to help him reflect on his life choices and actions.
Marley warned Scrooge to change his miserly ways.
In Stave One of "A Christmas Carol," the major event is the visitation of Marley's ghost to Ebenezer Scrooge. Marley's ghost warns Scrooge about his greedy ways and foretells the arrival of three other spirits who will help to change his ways.
Scrooge learned from Marley's ghost the consequences of a life consumed by greed and selfishness. He discovered that material wealth is meaningless in the face of spiritual poverty and that the path to redemption lies in generosity, compassion, and kindness towards others.
Keep Christmas in his heart for ever more
Because the ghost and Scrooge are nearly seeing visions of the past and the people in those visions could not see them
Scrooge was never a ghost in the story