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Sex is the biological term and your teacher needs to know this correction!!

The Y chromosome determines the male sex, as the human morphology is female by default. The SRY control region on the Y chromosome begins it's activity to determine the male sex at about eight weeks into gestation.

Google SRY region.

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Basically, if the chromosomes are XX , the gender is female, which means both parents gave a X chromosome. If the chromosomes are XY, the gender is male, which means the mother gave an X chromosome, and the father gave a Y.

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Q: What chromosome determines gender?
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Where are the genes that determine gender found?

The genes that determines gender can be found in the Y chromosome.

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Which pair of chromesomes determines gender?

Chromosome pair 23 determines the gender of a human. These chromosomes will either be two X's for females, or an X and a Y for males.

Who makes the sex of the baby?

The chromosome in the male's gamete determines the gender of the baby. If it is a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. If the chromosome is a X, the baby will be a girl.

How is gender inheritance?

Gender is inherited from your parent's 23rd chromosome. The (XX) chromosome pair is for a female and the (XY) chromosome pair is for a male. You get a (X) chromosome from your mother because she has two (x)'s. Her 23rd chromosome is (XX). It's your father's chromosome that determines what gender you are. His 23rd chromosomes were (XY). If you get an (X) from him, you become a girl. If you get a (Y) chromosome from him, you become a boy. This all happens when your mother's egg is fertilized.

What does the 23 pair chromosome determine?

The twenty-third pair of chromosome determines gender. Males are distinguished of having an X and a Y. Females are distinguished to have a X with another X.

What determines the gender of children?

the sperm cell that fertilizes ; y is a boy ; x is a girl

What determines the 22ND pair of chromosome?

the sex, color blindness (the gene is on the X chromosome), other sex linked traits.

If a human gamete with an extra chromosome participated in fertilization with a normal human gamete what condition results?

A trisomy. Trisomies are usually fatal in all chromosome pairs except 5, 13, 21 (these cause Down syndrome), and 23 (The chromosome pair that determines gender)

Do male dogs get the genes of their father when born?

They get the genes of both parents. Only one chromosome determines gender, but the rest of the traits are determined by both parents.

Which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is male or female in humans?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

What determines a Mendelian trait?

Chromosomes do not have a sex/gender but determine it. In humans, females have two X chromosomes (XX) and males have an X and a Y chromosome (XY).