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Corrosion is an oxidation reaction.

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Q: What chemical reaction produces both corrosion and iron oxide in the soil?
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What is corrosive?

Corrosion is a chemical reaction in which molecules break down due to a chemical reaction with its surroundings. Most often, corrosion is the electro-chemical oxidation of a metal (such as iron "corroding" to form iron oxide, a.k.a. rust). Corrosion is deterioration of a substance, usually metal. Corrosion is slow and continuous eating away of metal by the surrounding.

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Is corrosion of aluminium metal a physical process?

No, corrosion of aluminum metal is a chemical process. It occurs when aluminum reacts with oxygen in the presence of moisture, forming a layer of aluminum oxide on the surface. This chemical reaction leads to the degradation of the metal over time.

What is the meaning of the corrosion?

Corrosion is a gradual chemical or electro-chemical attack on a metal by its surrounding such that the metal is converted into an oxide,salt or other compound

Is corrode a chemical change?

When a metal corrodes, it reacts with a chemical in the environment to produce a new substance. Often the metal reacts with oxygen to form a metal oxide. A well-known example is iron reacting with oxygen to form iron oxide, known as rust.

What is the Hindi meaning of corrosion?

Corrosion is a gradual chemical or electro-chemical attack on a metal by its surrounding such that the metal is converted into an oxide,salt or other compound

How can steel rust?

The iron part of steel combines with oxygen in the air, or dissolved in water. This is a chemical reaction, which produces iron oxide- rust.

Reaction between glucose and copper oxide with lime water?

chemical reaction between copper oxide and glucose

Is corrosion of metals physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change, where a chemical such as oxygen or chlorine combines with a metal, forming an oxide or chloride of that metal.

Is the reaction of iron with oxygen to form iron oxides a physical or chemical change?

Reaction of iron with oxygen to form iron oxide is an example for a chemical change as iron is getting oxidized to its oxide . The process is known as corrosion and the product is commonly known as rust.See the Related Questions to the left for more information about chemical changes, physical changes, and rust itself.iron rusts is a chemical change because you cant cahnge the way it is now.

What products can be made from chemical reaction calcium oxide and water?

The products of making a chemical reaction is bakingsoda and vinger.Mix them together then you have a chemicle reaction

What is the chemical name for a reaction like aluminium oxide plus iron?

A Displacement Reaction