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Q: What charge do atoms develop by gaining electrons?
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How do you get different charges?

Different charges result from the loss of one or more electrons, or the gaining of one or more electrons forming ions. Atoms that lose electrons develop a positive charge equal to the number of electrons lost. Atoms that gain electrons develop a negative charge equal to the number of electrons gained.

What is an atom called that has a positive and negative charge as a result of gaining or losing electrons?

Atoms with a charge are called ions.

How do atoms gain a charge?

An atom willreceive a charge when it becomes ionized. If the atom looses one of its electrons (-), then there are more protons (+) and it becomes a+1 charge (positive). If the atom gains an electron, then there are more electrons and it becomes a -1 (negative) charge. It depends on the electrons in the valence level (outer level) to decide if it will gain or lose electrons.

Why are ions charged atoms and thus no longer neutral atoms?

That is exactly what a definition of an ion is. Ion's have charges. That's what they are. WHY? They lose or gain electrons. By GAINING an electron, you have a negative (-) charge. By LOSING an electron, you have a positive (+) charge.

What causes an atoms to become positively or negatively charged?

The ratio of electrons (negative) to protons (positive.). An atom is nutruel in normal condition. It has positive proton and negative electron in a balanced form.when electrons emit from atoms than a positive charge form in atom. And vice versa.

When forming compounds atoms try to gain or lose what?

In forming compounds, atoms are engaged in either gaining or losing electrons. They may also share electrons, but that is also a form of gaining or losing electrons.

What structure will atoms have after losing or gaining electrons?

a noble gas

What is an atom called that has a positive or negative charge as a result of gaining losing electrons?

It's called an ion, and it simply means a charged atom (or group of atoms.)

What happens when electrons gain its charge?

Electrons always have their charge, when atoms gain electrons, they become ions.

What type of charge do atoms have that gain electrons?

Since electrons are negative, they get a negative charge.

How are atoms that are neutral in charge?

Atoms that are neutral in charge have the same quantity of protons and electrons. Negative ions have extra electrons, and positive ions are missing electrons.

What is the charge on an oxygen atom?

Corrected: All atoms have a neutral charge until they lose or gain electrons. Once they lose/gain electrons then they are considered ions with respectively positive (on loosing) or negative charge (on gaining electrons, as oxygen tends to do).NO: 2-. It's the same as minus 2, but is written as 2- for conventions.