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Q: What changes picture color into black white and shades of gray?
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What picture color into black white and shades of gray?


Why black and white are not considered as color?

they are shades or tones

Is black grey or white a color?

No they are not colors, they are shades

Is it true that black and whit is a color?

Nope their shades.

Why black and white consider as a color?

They don't they're shades.

Black mixed with a colour is called?

Shades of a color are when you mix a little black with it, at least, in art.

How many shades of black are there?

Black by definition is the absence of light. However in a real world setting people can not replicate that accurately, so there for there are different attempts that fall within the category of "Black". There are hundreds of different shades of black.

Which color should you mix to get blue color?

You can't mix two colors to get blue, but you can use blue and white to get light shades of blue and black to get dark shades.

Does everything have a color?

No, most things do. Other things have shades (black and white).

What color is a lionfish?

Rainbow Blue shades

What is a purposes of an chiaroscuro?

Chiaroscuro is a monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color.

If black is a color white is a color then why is a black and white television not known as a color television?

Black and white are colors, but technically both can be the absence of color, or the total combination of colors. B&W television used shades of gray (although that might also qualify as a color). The term "color TV" means a "full spectrum of colors" rather than simply grays.