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I don't think cancer would be the correct answer. There are a number of reasons for swelling in the hands and ankles.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

Swelling in ankles and hands can be caused by various factors including poor circulation, excessive salt intake, hormonal changes, kidney or heart problems, or standing or sitting for long periods of time. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: What causes swelling in your ankles and hands?
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What causes orange hands?

Orange hands can be caused by a few factors, such as consuming too much beta-carotene-rich foods (like carrots and sweet potatoes), using self-tanning products that contain dihydroxyacetone, or smoking. It can also be a sign of a medical condition like carotenemia or liver disease.

What are the side effects of aspirin as a blood thinner?

Side effects of aspirin as a blood thinner include increased risk of bleeding, stomach irritation, and ulcers. It can also cause allergic reactions in some individuals leading to symptoms such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

What causes an obstruction in a persons's airway?

An obstruction in a person's airway can be caused by food or small objects getting lodged in the throat, swelling in the throat from an allergic reaction or infection, or physical trauma to the neck. This blockage can restrict the person's ability to breathe and lead to serious consequences if not treated promptly.

When would you wash your hands?

You should always wash your hands after you have been to the toilet and before eating meals. If you feel that you have touched a bacteria infested surface, it is always good to wash your hands.

What could cause swelling of upper eyelid and check of right side of face and seeing broken white light?

Swelling of the upper eyelid and cheek on one side of the face, along with seeing broken white light, could be indicative of an underlying medical condition such as sinusitis, an allergic reaction, or an ocular issue like a corneal abrasion. It is crucial to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.

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fatigue, high blood pressure, and swelling. Swelling is most notable in the hands, feet, ankles and face.

What causes discoloring and swelling ankles?

Maybe something hurt it or maybe it is infected

What causes swelling of ankles at age 53?

The causes of ankle swelling at age 53 can be spraining, arthritis, osteoporosis, blood issues, and reaction to coldness.

What is the bacteria S.Lutea?

It a Bacteria That causes swelling in the Hands and feet

Salt wraps to reduce swelling in ankles?

The salt draws out excess water under the skin, therefor reduces swelling in ankles.

What causes stinging swollen ankles?

Treatment for swollen ankles depends on the cause of the swelling. For example. if the swelling is caused by injury or overuse, then resting and taking an anti-inflammatory might be in order. On the other hand, if the swelling is due to water retention, drinking plenty of water and elevating your feet may be helpful.

Can kidney problems cause swelling in feet and ankles?

YES. If the kidneys are not functioning properly you will get water retention causing swelling of feet and ankles.

Does lisinopril cause swelling in both ankles?

yes....severe for me

After hospitalization have reduced swelling in legs how do I reduce swelling in feet and ankles?

Why are your legs and ankles swelled? This is vital, as this is a sign of heart trouble. Put your feet your feet up and see the doctor.

What kind of doctor do you need to see if yu can not urinate your hands ankles and stomach are swelling along with fatigue and kidney pain?

If you're not passing urine, you need the emergency department.

Swelling of ankles due to medication?

Swelling of ankles due to medication is known as oedema. If you are sure that it is caused by the medication that you are taking, you should talk to your doctor. Massage therapy can also help the situation.

Is it normal for Most people to complain of pressure swelling or bloating in their ankles feet stomach or legs?

It’s normal for most people to complain of pressure, swelling, or bloating in their ankles, feet, stomach or legs.