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Theodosius I nominated his two sons for a co-emperorship: Arcadius (the elder one) in the east, and Honorious in the west.

The Romans only used one term: Roman Empire. The terms Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire have been coined by historians. Historians have also coined the term Byzantine empire for the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Therefore, this term applies to a period that started 81 years after the death Theodosius.

Historians also put the death Theodosius at the time when they consider the two parts of the empire as becoming split. This was not due to an official act. It was down to circumstances. His two sons were young and incompetent. This allowed powerful men in the courts of the east and west to conspire against each other. In addition, the fall of the west started soon after with the first wave of Germanic invasions in the west, which occurred 11 years after Theodosius died.

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9y ago

There was no such thing as the Eastern and Western Roman empires. It was the Roman empire--period. When the territory of the western part of the empire was lost the empire continued with the capitol moved to Constantinople. It lasted until 1453.

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8y ago

Many historians consider 395 the year when the eastern part of the Roman Empire and the western part became separated. It was not due to an imperial decision to do so, but by events. Theodosius I died and was succeeded by his two sons, with Honorius taking charge of the western part of the empire and Arcadius taking charge of the eastern part. This was not new. There had been many co-emperorships with one man in charge of the east and one in charge of the west before. It was caused by two factors. One was that Arcadius and Honorius were young and incompetent and allowed intrigue to occur at their courts in Ravenna (in the west) and Constantinople (in the east) and powerful people at these two courts to conspire against each other's courts. The other was that the western part of the Roman Empire soon begun to crumble under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples, while the eastern part was not affected by these invasions. Apart from two instances of east-west collaboration against the invaders, the western part of the empire had to fend for itself. It also lost political cohesion, and was unable to deal with the invasions effectively or to guarantee political stability. When politics in the west became difficult to manage, the east started to interfere with the affairs of the west

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Byzantine Empire

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The Byzantine Empire

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Q: What became of the Eastern Roman Empire after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire?
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