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Q: What are two types of organisms that can undergo photosynthesis?
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The two types of organisms are photosynthetic organisms and chemosynthetic organisms?


What are two ways protists eat?

they eat by photosynthesis or by other organisms......

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the two types of coordination in living organisms are as follows:chemical coordinationnervous coordination

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nonsense ,dum and crazy are the two types variation shown by living organisms.

What are 2 types of organisms?

Metamorphic and Igneous are two types.

What organisms cannot make glucose from carbon dioxide and water?

anything that does not go through photosynthesis

What are two types of organisms in the kingdom monera?

There are more than two types of organisms withing Kingdom Monera, but the two domains within Monera are Archaea and Bacteria.

What are two types of decompose organisms?

Bacteria and Fungi

How does photosynthesis affect plants?

Photosynthesis helps a plant because it is the process of making food for itself

Why do you say that there is no death in single cell organisms?

because most of the single celled organisms undergo binary fission and as a result of which two new organisms arise from the previous . also after reproduction there is no sign of the adult .

How are aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are related?

They can be thought of as the 'reverse' of each other (though their repective biochemical pathways are in no ways similar) and are the two halves of the carbon cycle. Respiration: Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + Water Photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide + Water -> Glucose +Oxygen

Name at leaat two different energy acquisition strategies?

Two energy acquisition strategies is photosynthesis and eating other organisms.