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Are like the words that make up the books of instructions called chromosomes?

The instruction on chromosomes is called genetic information and is encoded on regions on the chromosome called genes

What happens to chromosome during interphase?

During interphase, chromosomes are in the form of thread-like structures called chromatin.

The two exact copies of DNA that make up a chromosome are called?


Which are the two main parts that make up a chromosome?

A centromere and a pair of sister chromatids

What is it called when genes are located on the same chromosome?

Genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked.

What is the chronosomes role?

The chromosome's role is to tell the stem cells what to make and how to look like. For example, if you have brown eyes, and the genetic code is 01001, then that is what the chromosome tells the cell to look like and function like.

Two of these make a chromosome?

Two chromatids connected at the centromere make up one chromosome.

do genes make chromosome?


What is the relationship between the y chromosome and alcohloism?

y chromosome is the chromosome that makes males, alcoholism has nothing to do with it unless you make the choice to drink

Describe the chromatids that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to divide.?

Describe the chromatic that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to split

How many DNAmolecules make up each original chromosome?

A chromosome is formed from a single DNA molecule.

Why is transportation called the artery of economy?

Easy: Transportation is needed to make money right? You need it to make money. For example, like shipping important parts for a new invention.