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Angiotensin II has 4 effects: (overall effect is to increase Blood Pressure and Blood Volume)


1. The adrenal cortex (Zona Glomerulosa)

2. Triple effect on the Nervous System

3. Supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus

4. Vasoconstricts smooth muscle


1. There are Angiotensin II receptors in the Zona Glomerulosa - stimulates release of Aldosterone


2. Direct effect on the sympathetic nervous system, increasing output. Second effect on postganglionic nerve endings inhibiting the reabsorption of Norepinephrine (i.e. increasing concentration of neurotransmitter - increasing stimulation). Third effect on reception of tissue to NE.


3. Stimulates Supraoptic nucleus to release Anti Diuretic Hormone


4. Direct effect on smooth muscle of a. venous system (increasing venous return, stroke volume and therefore contractility of heart muscle and cardiac output - increasing systolic blood pressure). b. arterial system (increasing resistance to blood flow, and increasing diastolic blood pressure).

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