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Phosphorylation and oxidation

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Q: What are the two types of reactions convert glycerol to dihydroxyacetone phosphate?
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Can the body convert glycerol into glucose?

Yes, glucose is stored in the body as glycerol. When the body needs more glucose it will convert some glycerol into glucose and put it into the bloodstream. No, glucose is not stored in the body as glycerol. It is stored in the body as glycogen. Glycerol is the backbone of triglycerides, and in order to be used for energy, It must be converted into glycerol-3-phosphate, after that may enter the pathway of glycolysis, or may enter the process of gluconeogenesis (generation of glucose from non-carbohydrates source).

Can you convert fat to glucose?

yes in fasted states (or when you have used your glycogen stores), glucagon or adrenaline can breakdown stored triglycerides (in adipose tissue) into glycerol and fatty acids. The glycerol goes to the liver when it is involved in gluconeogenesis (synthesis of glucose from non-carb source). This is essentially a reversal of glycolysis: The glycerol molecule is converted to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, which then is converted to fructose 1,6 biphosphate and then after a number of steps, is converted to glucose. I dont think the glycerol molecule is converted to pyruvate, but instead joins in the pathway at the step decribed above.

Which step in glycolysis is the entry point for galactose?

Glycolysis is the break down of glucose in pyruate and release of energy here are the steps in which glycolysis occurGlucose ------> glucsose-6-phosphate -------> fructose-6-phosphate --------> fructose-1,6-bisphosphate --------> glyceraldhyde-3- phosphate and dihydroxyactone phosphate now dihydroxyacetone phosphate isomerize in glyceraldhyde-3- phosphate ----------- 2 glyceraldhyde -3- phosphate ------------> 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate ---------> 3-phosphoglycerate ----------> 2-phosphoglycerate -----------> phosphoenolpyruate ----------- pyruatein these reactions during reaction 1 and 3 ATP are changed into ADP and so these are called energy consuming reactions and in 7 and 10th step 2 ATP are released in both steps so forming 4 ATP and in end giving net gain of 2 ATP. So in glycolysis fructose is consumed after isomerisation and phosphorylating in 2nd step, Fructose also enter directly in glycolysis in some species which use fruit sugar fructose which first convert in Dfructose which is then phorphorylated in fructose-6-phosphate

What does steapsin do?

Steapsin acts on emulsified fats and convert them to fatty acids and glycerol.

What is the enzyme that convert galactose into glucose 1 phosphate?


What happens to the ADP formed from the ATP?

It is recycled by added a phosphate group to it to make ATP again.

Nuclear reactions such as fusion and fission convert?

Nuclear reactions convert very small amounts of matter into significant amounts of energy.

What reactions convert light energy to chemical energy?

The light dependent reactions take in the light energy and convert that to chemical energy, but it is in the Calvin cycle (light independent reactions) where the chemical energy is stored in a complex sugar.

The reactions that convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy of ATP and NADPH?

Light Reactions.

What is a coupled reaction using as an example the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate?

A coupled reaction is two reactions that occur together. One reaction is necessary for the other to occur.The conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate is a good example. The first step that the cell takes in glycolysis (the beginning of the cellular respiration of glucose) is to convert glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. This phosphorylation requires an energy input, and therefore will not occur spontaneously.In the cell, both the necessary energy and the phosphate group are provided by a molecule of ATP. The free energy released by the conversion of ATP into ADP and a phosphate ion (Pi) is far greater than the energy required for the phosphorylation of glucose, and so, when the two reactions are coupled together, the phosphorylation of glucose goes ahead.To couple these reactions a hexokinase is required. This enzyme needs magnesium as a cofactor.

Convert the number of grams in 7.4 moles of aluminum phosphate?

The answer is 902,45 g.

What does nuclear fusion convert hydrogen into?

Nuclear reactions in the cores of stars convert hydrogen to helium