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Sublimation is the transition from solid directly to gas without passing through a liquid phase (e.g. dry ice is solid carbon dioxide at very low temperatures which sublimes into carbon dioxide gas).

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Q: What are the starting and ended phases for sublimation?
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Which state of matter is not part of the process of sublimation?

Sublimation and Deposition are phases changes that are between gases and solids. This leaves the intermediate step of liquid not part of the process. Sublimation- Solid to Gas Deposition- Gas to Solid

What phase change represents sublimation?

Sublimation hasn't an equation.

What are the different phases change?

Sublimation, boiling, condensation, melting and freezing. One might include evaporation, though that does not happen at a particular temperature.

How does refrigerant change phases inside piping of an AC?

The phase transitions of a refrigerant inside piping of an AC areFusion/Freezing, Vaporization/Condensation and Sublimation/Deposition. Matter can exist in three different phases: solid, liquid, and gas.

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What is the process called when ice turns into water vapor?

I think the answer is sublimation

What is the name of a solid turning into a gas?

sublimationAnswersublimation AnswerSublimation Its Sublimation

What do you call the process of a solid changing to a gas?

sublimation. for example when dry ice changes directly to a gas.

How does sublimation work in science?

Sublimation is the process of a solid to gas without being turned into a liquid. One must find a phase diagram of the substance. The triple point where all three phases can mannerly exist. So when one finds point below this, and a pressure and temperature where liquid doesn't exist the solid will become gas.

What do you call when a solid turns straight into a gas?

A solid that turns directly into a gas is dry ice. Sublimation

Give you an examples of sublimation in science?

The opposite of sublimation, where a solid changes to a gas is called deposition, NOT SUBLIMATION! Hope that clears it up :).