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The African plate is also under mount vesuvius.

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Q: What are the plate tectonics under mount vesuvius but not the eurasian plate?
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Is mount Vesuvius on a plate boundary?

eruasion plate

What type of plate boundary is creating mount vesuvius?

there are two tectonic plates under mount vesuvius. the african, and the eurasian plate.

Mt Vesuvius what two plates is it on?

The two plates that caused the formation of Vesuvius were the African and Eurasian plates. Its resting on a compressional/destructive plate boundary.

What plates are involved and what type of movement is involved with Mount Vesuvius?

the plate boundaries were Eurasian and African.

How does the African and the eurasian plate form mount vesuvius?

The African plate was subducted by the Euroasian plate due to mayjor earthquakes in AD 62

How does mount vesuvius relate to tectonic plates?

Mount Vesuvius is the result of a subduction zone, where one tectonic plate slides under another. In this case the portion of the African Plate that is under the Mediterranean is sliding under the Eurasian Plate. This generates magma tha allows volcanoes to form.

Is mt vesuvius on a plate boundry?

Yes, eurasian and African

What plate boudary is Mt Vesuvius on?

Mount Vesuvius is on a Convergent Plate Boundary.

Is Mount Vesuvius near a hot spot divergent or convergent plate boundary?

Vesuvius is associated with a convergent boundary between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

Why does Mount Vesuvius exist?

Mount Vesuvius exists because of the African plate sliding under the Eurasian plate therefore the magma is then being disturbed and heating up so it is then starting a convection current and the magma is then breaking the weaker rock to reach the surface and Vesuvius is born.

What plate is mount Fuji found on?

eurasian plate

What plate does Mount Fuji lie on?

mount Fuji lies on the Eurasian plate.