

Best Answer
  1. nucleus of oculomotor nerve
  2. nucleus of troclear nerve
  3. red nucleus = an important extrapyramidal centre
  4. mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
  5. inferior colliculus
  6. superior colliculus
  7. pretectal nucleus = for light and consensual reflexes
  8. substantia nigra
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Q: What are the nuclei of the midbrain?
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What are extra-pyramidal centers?

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What are the afferent and efferent fibers for Pretectal nucleus of the midbrain?

It receives its afferent light impulses from the retina and occipital gives efferents to the Edinger-Westphal nuclei of both sides.

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What effect does activity of the nuerons in medial septal nuclei have?

The medial septal nuclei are located in the anteroventral cerebrum. They have reciprocal connections to other parts of the limbic system; the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, cingulate gyrus, and thalamus. They are also connected to the midbrain. What we know most about the medial septal nuclei is that they play an important role in reward and reinforcement. So, if the medial septal nuclei where stimulated, the brain would perceive a reward, a pleasurable sensation.

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The brainstem is made up of midbrain. Not sure about hindbrain.

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What gives rise to the midbrainand aqueduct of the midbrain?

MESENCEPHALON gives rise to the mid brain and aqueduct of the midbrain

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Does the midbrain include the thalamus and hypothalamus?
