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Tornadoes are most common on the central plains and in the South in the regions called Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley respectively.

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Q: What are the most common areas of the country were tornadoes take place?
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Related questions

Which areas in Florida have no tornadoes?

There is no place in Florida that is immune to tornadoes.

Is there a place that has both tornadoes and earthquakes?

Yes. Most areas of the world can get tornadoes and at least small earthquakes.

Where do tornado mostly atack?

Tornadoes can occur in any place that gets thunderstorms. But they are most common in the Central United States.

What area in Wyoming gets tornadoes?

Any place in Wyoming can get tornadoes. However, tornadoes are more common in the eastern part of the state.

Does India have tornadoes?

Yes, tornadoes can happen all over the world (including India). The most common place to have tornadoes is in the US.

Is the US the only place that has tornadoes?

No, tornadoes have been recorded on every continent except Antarctica. But usually, the US is the most common place for tornadoes, especially in Tornado Alley.

Do tornadoes occur in every place?

No. Only in regions that get thunderstorms. Polar climates and areas of extreme desert (such as the Atacama) do not experience tornadoes.

Where is the place where tornadoes mostly occur?

Tornadoes are most common in the central U.S. in a region called Tornado Alley.

Where can tornadoes occur is it one place?

Tornadoes can occur almost anywhere that thunderstorms occur, but are more common in some areas. Hot spots include the central United States, Southern Canada, India and Bangladesh, Argentina, Australia, and South Africa.

Is there any place or time that tornadoes do not occur?

Yes. Tornadoes do not occur in Antarctica and likely do no occur in parts of the Arctic and in areas of extreme desert. There are many other regions that are cold or arid that tornadoes occur, but are extremely rare.

What is the place in the middle of your country where many tornadoes happen?

Known as 'Tornado Alley.'

Where does the tornadoes happen?

Tornadoes can happen in just about any place that gets thunderstorms. They are most common on the central plains of the United States.