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The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C.

The boiling point of sodium chloride is 1 413 0C.

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Q: What are the melting and boiling points of table salt?
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What are the boiling points of oxygen and table salt?

The boiling point of oxygen is -182,962 0C. The boiling point of sodium chloride is 1 413 0C.

How does salt raises the melting point of water?

It doesn't increase the melting point of ice, instead, it lowers it. When a solute (which is the salt) is added to a solvent (which is what dissolves it), the boiling point is increased while both the freezing and melting points are decreased. This is evident in the boiling point elevation and the freezing/melting point depression system.

Is potassium fluoride volatile?

No, it is an ionic salt like sodium chloride, having very high melting and boiling points.

What is melting and boiling point of salt water?

The boiling point is raised to around about 110 degrees Celsius and the freezing point is lowered to about - 4

Who has higher melting points ionic compounds or covalent compounds?

Ionic compounds have higher melting points than covalent compounds. Common table salt, sodium chloride, is an ionic compound and has a melting point of 801 oC. Table sugar, sucrose, a covalent compound, has a melting point of about 186 oC.

At room temperature table salt is a solid and mercury is a liquid what conclusion can you draw about the melting points of these substances?

The melting point oof salt is far higher then the melting point of acetone.

What is a physical change for salt?

For example melting and boiling of salt are physical processes.

Goes salt lower boiling temperature of water?

Salt will lower the melting point, and raise the boiling point of water.

At room temperature table salt is a solid and mercury is a liquid what conclusions can you draw about the melting points of these substances?

We can conclude that the melting point of table salt is above room temperature (It's actually 801 deg C). The melting point of Mercury must be below room temperature (- 39 deg C).

Is the boiling point the same property for table salt and table sugar?

Yes; the boiling point is the same for table salt and table sugar. The boiling point of the water will increase by the same amount based on the number of particles of solute in the solution.

What is the effect of salt on the freezing point of water and other liquids?

NaCl (Table Salt) is a solute in H2O, water, the solvent. Solid solutes lower the melting point (freezing point) points and raise the boiling points of liquid solvents. The particles of the salt interfere with the change of state, therefore causing liquid solvents to freeze (and/or melt) at lower temperatures and for liquid to boil at higher temperatures.

What temperature do ionic compounds boil?

Ionic compounds tend to have very high boiling points. For example, table salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), has a boiling point of 1413 oC.