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Breathing helium has no immediate harmful effects for humans because helium is an inert gas, and thus doesn't react with the body's biochemistry.

The danger comes from a continued session of breathing helium, especially in high concentrations. Since the helium replaces the air inside the lungs, there's the danger of hypoxia (lowered oxygen intake) if you don't flush out your lungs by taking in fresh air between sips of helium.

Symptoms of hypoxia include nausea, dizziness and fainting. The fastest way to recover is the same as for carbon monoxide, or any other noxious gas: expose the victim to fresh air, and possibly pure oxygen, ASAP.

The physiological effect of breathing helium, and the reason so many people try it, is that the gas, being less dense than air, causes sound waves to travel faster. The acoustic properties of the volume where the sound vibrations are made is thus changed. The net effect is that your voice sounds higher in pitch, gradually descending back to normal as the helium exits your lungs.

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Q: What are the effects of breathing helium gas on humans?
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Can helium be deadly?

Potentially. While helium itself is inert and thus non-toxic, like any gas it can push oxygen out of the way. Breathing pure helium means you are not breathing oxygen. Without oxygen you can die in minutes.

How do you identify helium gas?

My method is breathing a little amount of it and then speaking , if your sound seems too soft and high pitch then that's Helium.

What are marine applications for helium?

As breathing gas for diving: A mixture of oxygen and helium (some times containing nitrogen or a small percentage of oxygen) is used to avoid the phenomenon of narcosis when only pure oxygen is used; also helium make the effort for breathing easier.

Is helium a gas or a solid?

helium is a gas at room temperature.

What are the side effects of breathing in mustard gas?

Blindness, inflammation, internal bleeding and redness.

Is helium gas a poison gas?

AnswerIt all depends on what it is used for, but in most circumstances it is considered one of the Noble gases, which means that it is inert and unable to combine in an ionic or covalent bond with another atom. So, therefore, the most appropriate answer is: No. It is not dangerous.The only possible danger would be if you were inside a helium balloon and then died of suffocation. But, it would not be the helium that killed you, but the lack of oxygen.So, again, helium, itself, is not dangerous.

Does helium make gas?

Helium is a gas.

Is helium gas or plasma?

helium is a gas

Is a helium balloon solid or gas?

Gas. Helium is a gas.

Is helium a example of gas?

Yes. Helium is a gas

What is helium coloured gas?

Helium is a colourless gas