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i dont know how corect this will be but im gonan give it a go. tell me if there is anything that is wrong. This will show you why HDI is better then GDP and should be used as an alternative to GDP so it kind of ties in with advantages

The human development index is calculated each year by the U.N. Development Program as a summary indicator of "Human Development," combining data on life expectancy at birth, adult literacy, educational enrollment, and average income also measured by G.D.P. per capita. Both the HDI and GDP (per capita) have similarities for example On GDP Norway have the second largest GDP per capita for 2008 as well as the 2 highest HDI for 2008 as well as Ireland being 6th in the world for GDP and HDI for 2008 There is a correlation between HDI and GDP when ever GDP goes up HDI goes up meaning that HDI can be see as an alternative according to Francisco Rodriguez.

Countries are ranked according to GDP however this is not necessarily the best way to think about differences in living standards across countries. For example, GDP per capita is influenced by how much spending and output is created in that country however this does no mean that standard of living or resources are used to there full potential as huge output could be focused on army or other good/services not necessarily improving the country. GDP cannot tell you much about key issues such as human development literature rates and life expectancy, unlike HDI, which covers a wide range of factors that help to make a country.

My spelling will not be perfect so pleas no comments

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