

Best Answer

1. evidence from molten rocl

2. magnetic stripes

3. drilling samples

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Q: What are the 3 lines of evidence for sea-floor spreading?
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Explain the relationship between trenches and seafloor spreading?

1. New sea-floor is created by the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean spreading centers; old ocean floor is destroyed by subduction at deep sea trenches. 2. The area is a subduction zone. Magma from underground comes up and destroys that crust. That crust is then recycled and the magma cools and hardens. That creates new land, that creates the trenches. Seafloor spreading is in the ocean and happens with convection currents. That is the relationship between. 3. As new seafloor is formed at mid-ocean ridges, the old seafloor is pushed down into trenches at subduction zones.

What supported Wagner's theory of continental drift?

Several evidences were given as proof to the theory of continental drift, they include; 1. Climatic evidence (Paleoclimatic Reconstruction). 2. Fossil evidence (Paleontological proof). 3. Continental fit. (Continental margin shapes). 4. Lithological and Stratigrapical similarities of adjacent continental masses. 5. Seafloor spreading. 6. Glacial till. 7. Plate tectonics.

What are 3 types so lines that you can use on a map?

Contour lines, alpha lines, omega lines

What made the scientists believe that the sea floor is spreading?

1. What made scientist believe that the seafloor was spreading? Samples of the deep ocean floor show that basaltic oceanic crust and overlying sediment become progressively younger as the mid-ocean ridge is approached, and the sediment cover is thinner near the ridge. Also, the rock making up the ocean floor is considerably younger than the continents, with no samples found over 200 million years old, as contrasted with maximum ages of over 3 billion years for the continental rocks. This confirms that older ocean crust has been reabsorbed in ocean trench systems. by; Vontamayosa find me on Facebook

These sections called .. are composed of the crust and a part of the upper mantle?

If your doing your science Homework ( chapter review) then your answer is plates.The mystery phrase is Seafloor Spreading.BAY ACADEMY!!D.Y. from 712 was here :3

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What are 3 things of evidence that scientists have that prove the ocean is spreading?

1) seafloor spreading 2) continental drift 3 i only found 2

What three pieces of evidence did Harry Hess gather to prove that seafloor spreading was taking place?

Three evidence that supports Harry Hess theory of Seafloor Spreading is; 1. Paleomagnetism. 2. Plate Tectonics. 3. Polar Wondering and Polar Reversal.

How do you calculate the rate of seafloor spreading?

rate of spreading for stripe = width of stripe / time duration If a magnetic strips is 60 km wide and formed over 2 million years, then the rate at which spreading formed the was 30 km/m.y. The rate is equivalent to 3 cm/year. Spreading added an equal width of oceanic crust to a plate on the other side of the mid-ocean ridge, so the total rate of spreading across the ridge was 60 km/m.y. (6 cm/year), a typical rate of seafloor spreading.

What land forms are caused by the earths moving plates?

1. Seafloor spreading, new crust is made 2. Mountain ranges 3. Volcanoes 4. Faults

Explain the relationship between trenches and seafloor spreading?

1. New sea-floor is created by the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean spreading centers; old ocean floor is destroyed by subduction at deep sea trenches. 2. The area is a subduction zone. Magma from underground comes up and destroys that crust. That crust is then recycled and the magma cools and hardens. That creates new land, that creates the trenches. Seafloor spreading is in the ocean and happens with convection currents. That is the relationship between. 3. As new seafloor is formed at mid-ocean ridges, the old seafloor is pushed down into trenches at subduction zones.

What supported Wagner's theory of continental drift?

Several evidences were given as proof to the theory of continental drift, they include; 1. Climatic evidence (Paleoclimatic Reconstruction). 2. Fossil evidence (Paleontological proof). 3. Continental fit. (Continental margin shapes). 4. Lithological and Stratigrapical similarities of adjacent continental masses. 5. Seafloor spreading. 6. Glacial till. 7. Plate tectonics.

What are two pieces of evidence that support the theory of sea floor spreading?

1) mapping of magnetic reversals 2) the nice fit you get by placing places like South America and Africa next to each other. ( &3) fossil evidence of both plants and animals.)

List three types of evidence for sea-floor spreading?

it will have cracks and it will start to sink and rise

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