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The symptoms of the genetic disorder HHT are developmental delays, birth defects, an abnormally small brain or head, growth problems. In some cases, children were misdiagnosed cerebral palsy or autism.

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Q: What are symptoms of the genetic disorder HHT?
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Where in Ohio do you go for genetic testing for HHT?

In Gantyranchan

How do you heal sickel sell?

You can't, it is a genetic disorder. You can alleviate the symptoms but you can not cure it.

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huntingtons disorder is a genetic disorder caused by dominant alleles. it has a late on set as symptoms are shown after the age of at least 40

Is asbestosis a genetic disorder?

No it is not genetic. It is a result from breathing in asbestos fibers. Symptoms in include intense coughing, shortness of breath, and severe chest pain.

Is bulimia genetic?

yes, it's a mental & emotional disorder with physical symptoms. anorexia is also genetic, though the 2 are NOT the same & are very different, they are related.

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What is the Treatment called when you move genes from one person to another so they dont develop HHT?

Genetic engineering

Is hemophilia considered a genetic disorder?

It is a disorder which is passed on through your genes. It's actually quite simple. You see, hemophilia is hereditary, hence the "genetic". Then, it is a disorder of the blood, hence "disorder". "Genetic Disorder".

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Alice in Wonderland has a genetic predisposition; however, it is neurological (not genetic) disorder.

How do you cure aldright disease?

Do you mean Albright Syndrome? It is a genetic disorder, so there is no cure. However surgery and some medications can alleviate symptoms.

Is Attention Deficit Disorder a genetic disorder?

It appears to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Is pervasive developmental disorder genetic?

Yes pervasive developmental disorder genetic. Try to keep away from it it is a very bad disorder.