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Such words would include "tariff," "dwell" and "gross."

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Q: What are some words that begin with a two letter consonant cluster?
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What are the rules of spelling?

The terms of spelling is: -The diphthong diphthong (dipthong) is any vowel followed by w and semivowel to y. -Consonant cluster In-linguistika, The Consonant cluster is two or more neighboring consonant within a word. Similar to dual-consonant in Tagalog (from dual or two words and consonant). But only two side yung consonant in a syllable or silabol only ikinokonsider as such (in Tagalog). As no more than three neighboring konsonant a silabol in Tagalog the Filipino not like the possible existence of three to four. I used a translator so if you know some words that or incorrect please change them.

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