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you can become a lawyer

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Q: What are some benefits of studying history?
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What is adevantage and disadevantage of history?

The advantage to studying history is that you can Lear about the mistakes and successes of the past. From those, you can try to repeat successes and avoid repeating mistakes. Plus, some people enjoy it. The only disadvantage to studying it is that some people do not like studying history.

What benefits do you get by history?

Studying history can provide valuable insights into the development of societies, cultures, and human behavior over time. It helps us understand the present by learning from past mistakes and successes. History also fosters critical thinking skills and a broader perspective of the world.

What are some problems when studying history?

Common problems when studying history include bias in historical sources, interpretation of events based on limited evidence, and difficulty in piecing together a comprehensive and accurate narrative due to gaps in the historical record.

What is the significant of studying history?

There is great significance in studying Philippine history. It is very rewarding to understand the history and culture of the Philippines.

What are the benefits of studying psychology?

the interactoin of peoples

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pota ka

What is the benefits of studying?

well, one definite benefit is the better understanding of the world around you once you study Biology. some other benefits might be the various jobs you can have after you earn a degree in some form of biology, like, for example, marine biology. This is a test question from Connections Academy. Do your own studying!

What are the benefits of studying social psychology?

the interactoin of peoples

What are the benefits of studying in Europe?

Actually I don't want to.

What should i do for history night at school?

You could prepare a presentation for history night at school on whatever protion of history your class is studying. Or, if you have some leeway in what to present, you could do a presentation of some facet of history that you personally find interesting.

What is the importance of studying legal history?


What are the benefits of social studies?

studying, focusing, and paying attention