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Guard cells allows the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the leaf. This is known as leaf exchange. When guard cells are full of water they swell up and close meaning no oxygen can leave or carbon dioxide can enter, but when the water is taken away from the cell they open up to allow oxygen to exit and carbon dioxide to enter.

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11y ago

to protect the stomata and help it open and close

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11y ago

control the size of the openings called stoma the stoma allow gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen to move into and out of the leaf

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Q: What are guard cells and what is their function?
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What the function of guard cells?

the function of guard cells are that they control the opening and closing of the stoma

What is the of guard cells?

the function of guard cells are that they control the opening and closing of the stoma

How is the opening and closing of stomata controlled?

The guard cells controll the opening and closing of the statoma!

What is the function of a vacuole in a Guard Cell?

to store water. ya it is the truth.

What is the function of a guard cell in plants?

The function of the guard cells are that they help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata thus preventing excessive water loss.

What is the guard cells in a plant cell?

The function of the guard cells are that they help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata thus preventing excessive water loss.

How does the structure of guard cells relate to the function of guard cells?

control the size of the openings called stoma the stoma allow gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen to move into and out of the leaf

What is the function of the guard cells in regulating gas exchange in a leaf?

The stoma opens and closes to allow gas exchange. The Guard cells are located around the stoma and regulate the opening and closing of the stoma.

What is the specialized function of the guard cells?

i believe the function is to protect the stoma

What cells guard the opening and closing of the stomata?

Stomatal pores in plants regulate the amount of water and solutes within them by opening and closing their guard cells using osmotic pressure. Guard cells and adjacent subsidiary cells are involved in opening and closing of stomata.

What is the function of guard cells in regulating transpiration and wilting?

Guard cells play a crucial role in regulating transpiration and preventing wilting in plants. They control the opening and closing of stomata, small pores on the surface of leaves. When the guard cells uptake water, they swell and the stomata open, allowing gas exchange for photosynthesis and transpiration. Conversely, when guard cells lose water, they shrink and close the stomata, preventing excessive water loss and wilting.

What is the function of the guard cells?

The function of the guard cells are that they help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata thus preventing excessive water loss. The guard cell opens when there is too much water. It is also adapted for gas exchange between plants and environment. For example, it opens during rainy days and closes when the weather is too dry or windy. They also control the size of the pore.