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moving water and gravity yo mama

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Q: What agent of erosion is responsible for creating limestone caves?
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Do grikes in limestone form mainly by wind or water?

Grikes in limestone primarily form due to water erosion rather than wind erosion. Water seeping into the limestone gradually dissolves and widens vertical joints and fractures, creating the grikes. Wind can contribute to weathering and desiccation of the limestone, but it is not the primary agent responsible for the formation of grikes.

Which agent of erosion is responsible for the most erosion?

Wind is the weakest agent of erosion

Which agent of erosion forms caverns in limestone deposit?

acidic groundwater

Groundwater is the most effective erosion agent in what areas?

Groundwater erosion occurs most often in areas with an abundance of limestone and rainfall. This erosion can create large cavities and caves.

How does wind act in erosion?

Wind is an agent of erosion. It is responsible for moving material from one place to another place.

What erosion agent is responsible for mud slides and boulders rolling down hills?


Which agent of erosion is responsible for cutting most v shaped valleys into bedrock?

running water

What is the greatest agent of erosion?

The strongest agent or erosion are water,man and animals. Yes, Maybe but the weakest agent of erosion is wind itself

Which agent of erosion is most likely responsible for the deposition of sandbars along ocean shorelines?

mass movement

The agent of erosion responsible for the removal of the majority of sediment is?

Running water

Which agent of erosion is most likely to responsible for the deposition of sandbars along ocean shorelines?

mass movement

What is the weakest agent erosion?

Wind is the weakest agent of erosion.