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Q: What Greek philosopher taught King Alexander to love Greek ways and philosophy?
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A famous greek philosopher from Athenswho taught King Alexander the Great to love Greek ways and philosophy?

who he is? Aristotle

A famous Greek philosopher from Athens who taught king Alexander the great to love Greek ways and philosophy?


Who taught King Alexander?

Aristotle (Greek philosopher)

Which Greek philosopher analyzed how people used and could use logic He also taught Alexander the Great?

Hi! Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. Aristotle was also a Greek Philosopher. - Hope This Helps! :)

Who is Arisotle?

A famous Greek philosopher taught by Plato and tutored Alexander the Great.

Who was the Greek philosopher who taught with questions not answers?

The great Greek philosopher, who taught by questions and not answers was the great Aristotle.

Who is Aristotle and why is he important?

he was a Greek teacher and philosopher and taught Alexander the great as a young child.

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euripedes was a philosopher that taught happiness

Who was the famous Greek philosopher from Macedonia who taught King Alexander the Great to love his Hellenistic culture?


A famous greek philosopher from Athens who taught king Alexander the great to love?

Aristotle was the famous Greek philosopher who studied in the city state of Athens though his origins were from Northern Greece in Macedonia like Alexander the Great.

Was Alexander an important Greek philosopher?

Alexander, the conqueror, himself was not a Greek philosopher, but he was one of the best and famous students of a great Greek philosopher, Plato. Alexander's father, King Philip of Macedonia, wanted his son to be tutored by a great teacher and selected Plato for this purpose. Even though Alexander's atrocities the world over cannot be attributed to this great teacher, he certainly did create a great city named Alexandria to celebrate his victories and made the library of this city one of the best in the world in that time, which certainly was a respect to his master.

Which greek philosopher taught Plato?
