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imgine it is'nt easy and by the way i am hot

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Q: What Geographical feature influenced the development of several early ancient civilizations and how?
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Which factor influenced the development of ancient civilizations along the river valleys?

Their fertility and water supply.

Which factor most influenced the development of ancient civilizations along river valleys?

Fertile soils mainly.

What culture or civilization most influenced ancient Egypt?

Since ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations, they actually influenced many civilizations. However, Mesopotamia, Rome, and Greece influenced Egypt.

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What three ancient civilizations influenced Spain?

rome moro and africa

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Most ancient civilizations have contributed to the development of science & technology.Chinese,Indian,Egyptian civilizations have contributed largely.

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the introduction of monotheism,and judeo-christian values.

Why Greek history is important?

Ancient Greece influenced much of the modern world and other civilizations of the time. The Roman Empire would have a very different religion without the Ancient Greeks.

What ancient civilizations influenced Spain?

The Iberians were the native people: and they were influenced by the Celts, the Romans and the Carthaginian/Phoenicians during the classical age

How have rivers affected the development of ancient civilizations?

it allowed trade and it provided good land for farming

What geographical feature encouraged the development of independent city states in Ancient Greece?

The Greek archipelago.