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There are smallamount of volcanoes. They emit so2 and co2 gases.

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Q: What Active volcanoes are added to the early Earths atmosphere?
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What added oxygen to earths early atmosphere?

Photosynthesis by plants

Can a planet such as mars that lost its atmosphere gain back an atmosphere again?

A planet could potentially regain an atmosphere as a result of the emission of gasses from volcanoes. It is highly unlikely that much will be added to the atmosphere of Mars, as volcanic activity appears to have ceased long ago.

What year was Hawaii volcanoes put on world heritage list?

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park was added in 1987.

If the earth had no atmosphere what would happen?

Firstley you would be dead because if the earths ozone layer no longer exists then everything will die because the ozone layer or atmosphere controls our earths temperature ADDED: Assuming it never had an atmosphere, No, you would not be dead. You would never have existed.

How is Water added to the atmosphere?

Water is added to the atmosphere through a process called evaporation. This happens when the sun heats up water on the surface of the Earth.

What is added into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels?

Carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas added to the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

What are some possible reasons for the abundance of CO2 in the earths atmosphere?

There is so much carbon dioxide because it is constantly being cycled through the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial systems. It is a crucial component of all life. There has been even more added recently, however, as humans burn fossil fuels containing carbon.

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Water vapor is added to the atmosphere primarily by?


What is added to the atmosphere during resiration?

Carbon dioxide

Which greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere when coal oil and natural gas are burned?

Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere;here when coal oil and natural gas are burned?

How man contribute to the formation of the atmosphere?

Well I know that the atmosphere has carbon dioxide in it, and when we breath out we release carbon dioxide that could be then added to the atmosphere.