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Q: What 4 types of organic molecules contain nitrogen?
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Which of the 4 types of organic molecules contain the element nitrogen?

Protiens contain nitrogen

What types of molecules contain carbon?

Organic compounds contain carbon and also usually hydrogen.

Is it possible for certain foods to test positive for more than one organic compounds?

Al foods contain several types of organic molecules except for foods that are essentially chemicals. These would include sugar (glucose, maltose, dextrose etc) and pure ethyl alcohol. Even these would contain trace amounts of other organic molecules as contaminants.

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What types of elements form compounds that consist of molecules?

Molecules are mostly made of non metals. Particularly in organic chemistry, we have carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur as the main components, and they are all non metals. Metals are also part of organic chemistry and they are even part of molecules at times, for example, hemoglobin includes iron, but in most cases the metals appear in the form of ions, rather than molecules.

What are the major types of organic molecules?

Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons

What types of food contain nitrogen?

spaghetti is high in nitrogen. also other foods like salads, hamburgers, cookies, and fish have nitrogen in them.

A class of organic molecules each having a double ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms?

2 different types of nitrogenous bases: Purine: base w/ double ring of carbon & nitrogen atoms-Adenine (A) & guanine (G) Pyrimidine: single ring of carbon & nitrogen atoms-Cytosine (C) & thymine (T)

What are three types of particles in a molecules?

Atoms contain neutrons, protons and electrons. Molecules are made of atoms.

What types of organic molecules are enzymes. a. carbohydrates b. lipids c.nucleic acids d. proteins?

The organic molecules enzymes are basically proteins. This does not necessary mean that all the enzymes are proteins.

What are the organic macromolecules in different types of foods?

Foods contain proteins, carbohydrates and lipids which are three different types of macromolecules. However, there are far more than three types of macromolecules, some of which are also found in food.

Which of the types of molecules in the table contain carbon?

anything that falls under the category "organic". they're too many to list here but the most common would be: saccharide (sugar) hydrocarbon (petroleum/methane etc.)