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Yes i was because he seduced calypso on her island and even had a child with her. She waited 20 years for him with no other lover even though he wasnt as nearly as faithful.

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Q: Were you surprised Penelope had been faithful to Odysseus for all these years?
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Did Penelope cheat on Odysseus?

No. Penelope was completely faithful to Odysseus even after 20 years of not seeing him. Penelope is often equated with faithfulness.

What does to be as faithful as Penelope mean?

To be as faithful as Penelope means to remain loyal and dedicated, especially in the face of challenges or obstacles. Penelope, from Greek mythology, was known for her unwavering faithfulness to her husband Odysseus during his long absence.

Why does Odysseus accuse Penelope of being hardhearted?

Odysseus accuses Penelope of being hardhearted because she has remained faithful to him for 20 years, delaying the suitors who are trying to marry her while he is away. In his disguise as a beggar, Odysseus tests Penelope's loyalty before revealing his true identity.

What is a good fact about Penelope?

Fidelity. She had been faithful to her husband for so many years despite the rumor that Odysseus must have died and would no longer come back.

Who is looking for Odysseus in The Odyssey?

In The Odyssey, Penelope, Odysseus's wife, is looking for him. She remains faithful to him for 20 years while he is away at war and on his journey home. His son, Telemachus, also goes in search of him.

How many year did Penelope wait for Odysseus?

over 20 years

How did Penelope the greek goddess die?

Penelope was the mortal wife of mortal Odysseus. Wer are not told how she died.

What does going home mean to Odysseus?

In The Odyssey, going home was Odysseus' ultimate goal. He had been away at war for years, and he desperately missed his wife, Penelope. Odysseus knew Penelope may have believed him to be dead, so he needed to get back to her.

What was the Account for Penelope's doubt about the return of Odysseus?

Penelope was worried that someone was fooling her, perhaps a god, into thinking Odysseus had returned home alive. To be gone twenty years and then return home then was very unlikely.

How does Penelope not know that the beggar is Odysseus?

Odysseus had been many years - some say as many as ten, or more - away from Penelope - their son had grown up, but his life had aged him, as well that he went in disguise.

Penelope believes that the beggar is?

Penelope believes that the beggar is her husband, Odysseus, who has returned home in disguise after being away for many years. She tests him by asking him to move their bed, a task only Odysseus could accomplish due to its special construction.

Why does Penelope doubt that Odysseus is really home?

Penelope doubts Odysseus is home due to his disheveled appearance and the possibility of him being an imposter. She tests him with a secret about their bed to confirm his identity.