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The rocks on the Moon were on the lunar surface many millions of years ago, because the Moon (with no air or water) has almost no erosion and no chemical processes taking place. It also has no volcanic or tectonic activity, which constantly changes most of the Earth's surface.

In effect, although it is pummeled incessantly by meteors, the Moon is a vacuum-sealed container for its surface rocks, which on the Earth would have disappeared long ago.

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Q: Were rock samples brought back from the moon during the Apollo space program older than rocks found on earth?
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How many men you did the Apollo program put on the moon?

There were 6 successful landings on the moon during the Apollo program. Each landing brought 2 men to the surface, so 12 Americans walked on the moon.

When did the Apollo Space Program begin?

The Apollo Space Program was conceived in the early 1960s during the Eisenhower presidency. The Apollo program didn't really get going until the year 1963.

What did scientists learn when Apollo brought back lunar samples?

Among other things, the origin of the moon. They discovered it had almost certainly been created during a massive impact event on the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago.

What 3 important details happened during the Apollo 11 flight?

they flew to the moon got first planet samples experimented

Did any one die during the Apollo program?

Several people died, but none during an actual mission. Three astronauts died during a fire in the Apollo 1 capsule during a test launch in 1967.

Wjat was the main goal of the Apollo program?

The main goal of the Apollo program (which was made by the United States during the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union) was to safely get a man to the moon and back.

What did they collect on the moon?

A lot of rocks and soil samples. They also drilled tubes into the moon and brought back core samples below the lunar surface. They also brought back a sample of the solar wind on a sheet of aluminum foil that they put out during their moonwalks.

When was the last time men were on the moon?

The last mission of the Apollo program was Apollo 17 in December, 1972. The last man to walk on the Moon during Apollo was Eugene "Gene" Cernan, on December 14, 1972.

Is Apollo 1 an actual rocket?

Apollo 1 was the name of the first mission of NASA's Apollo program. The mission ended when the command module and the crew were destroyed in a fire during a routine test weeks before launch.

Is the Saturn V the same as the Apollo 11?

The Saturn V is the name of the rocket used during the Apollo Program. Apollo 11 was a mission that used this rocket. The rocket was invented by German engineer Whener Von Braun.

What is an Apollo rocket?

An Apollo rocket is, most likely, a colloquial reference to the Saturn V rocket used by NASA during the Apollo program to the Moon. For more information on the Saturn V rocket, see