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Germany was almost completely destroyed under Nazi rule due to a war that was started by Adollf Hitler.

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Q: Was Germany successful under Nazi rule?
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When and how did Berlin come under Nazi rule?

Berlin came under the Nazi rule after the first World War. This was as a result of Germany being in ruins and the fact that it was blamed for the war.

What was Warsaw Poland like under nazi rule 1931?

The nazi regime in Germany began in 1933 and the World War II (by German attack on Poland) began in 1939, so it was impossible Warsaw was under nazi rule in 1931. Warsaw was under nazi rule from September 1939 to January 1945.

Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

How were the school in Germany cleansed and purified under Nazi rule?

well they killed all the jews...

What does Nazi Control mean?

Refers to Hitler's rule in Germany, under this rule the country was transformed into a totalitarian state where the Nazi party controlled nearly all aspects of life

When did Romania come under Nazi rule?

Romania was never under Nazi rule !

How nazi Germany similar to the Soviet Union under Stalin?

Generally speaking both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin were dictatorships that permitted no free speech or other political parties to exist. In Germany only the Nazi Party was legal and under Stalin only the Communist Party under the rule of Stalin was allowed.

How was nazi Germany similar to Soviet Union under Stalin?

Generally speaking both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin were dictatorships that permitted no free speech or other political parties to exist. In Germany only the Nazi Party was legal and under Stalin only the Communist Party under the rule of Stalin was allowed.

Was Netherlands occupied by the Nazis?

The Netherlands come under Nazi rule because they were not prepared. The Nazi forces raided them in 1940 and that is how they ended up under Nazi rule.

How did Amsterdam come under Nazi rule?

As the capital of Germany, Berlin came under Nazi rule when Hitler, the Fuerher of the Nazi party, became president of Germany. This occurred after the death of the previous president in 1934, after Hitler had paved the way for a Nazi takeover.

Where did Nazism begin?

Germany Nazism began from 1889 to 1945. The Nazi Party was under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and grew to rule Germany.

Name the official party of Germany under Hitler's rule.?

National Socialist German Workers' Party which stands for NAZI