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stimulating antibody production

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Q: Vaccinations help prepare the body to fight invasions of a specific pathogen by?
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The purpose of introducing weakened microbes into the body of an organism is to stimulate the?

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Seniors need to have their vaccinations, make sure they have a place to stay, and make sure they don't bring things to the airport that they aren't going to be able to take with them.

How do vaccinations help prepare the body to fight invasions of a disease?

A vaccine is really that disease or virus itself. just a smaller amount of it. your blood cells fight that little vaccine to create antidotes. So if u get exposed to that germ your blood cells will use that antidote against it to prevent you from getting sick. Answered by: Emilio Aranda_EL Paso, Tx (Emilioa)

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They are specific procedures used by a company to prepare its financial statements.

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How can the body prepare itself for a future infection of the same bacteria?

You get immunity to the infection. Next time you get the infection by the same bacteria, your body can fight back the infection rather effectively. But the immunity does not last for life time, like most of the virus infections.

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The best way to prepare to start exercising is to set an easy goal for yourself and set a certain time in which you want to exercise. You should be specific and write your progress down.


One reason teachers may need to prepare instructional materials is to help develop a greater understanding of the content. It also allows material to be relevant to the specific needs of the students.

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Dissolve common salt in water. Aprroximately 6 grams in 100 mL of water,