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Absolutely not! Unsaturated fats (also called lipids) are those fats which are liquid at room temperature. In other words they are oils. Fats are made up of an alcohol (glycerol) and one or more hydrocarbon tails. Proteins are made up of amino acids which have nitrogen and other properties that fats don't have. So basically they are two different things, so you cannot get proteins from fats.

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Q: Unsaturated fats are an excellent source of proteins?
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What are some examples unsaturated fats?

Oils are unsaturated fats.

What fats are unsaturated?

unsaturated fats are fats that are healthy for you and eat up other more less healthy fats in your body

Which kind of fats are better fro you saturated or unsaturated?

unsaturated fats are better for you

Characteristics of Unsaturated Fats?

Unsaturated fats have a very high boiling points. Another characteristic is that unsaturated fats become solid at room temperature.

Are oils unsaturated fats?

Oils are predominately unsaturated. They contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fats. They typically contain between 50% and 95% unsaturated fats .

Are oil unsaturated?

Oils are predominately unsaturated. They contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fats. They typically contain between 50% and 95% unsaturated fats .

Are unsaturated fats usually found in plants?

Yes, most plant fats are unsaturated.